Donne con Le Curve MAGAZINE collaboration!!

Hello everyone!
Few weeks ago during the Milan fashion week I had the opportunity to collaborate with a group of amazing girls who are working on a new  magazine about curvy fashion & lifestyle!
Donne con le Curve Magazine:

It was very fun and we had a very great time ♡
For me it was nice to photograph different subjects from the usual standard, and I’m a curvy too so it was perfect! 😀
You will find my photos on the next month issue of the magazine!
For now, here’s a little preview and a fantastic backstage video by Giulia ^_^



Thanks again to all the girls! A special thanks to Manuela, the make up artist and Giulia for the amazing video!


SeeMe ~ new project❤

Hello ♡
Few days ago I had the opportunity to meet Kia & Luca,  two wonderful people who love each other very much.
They had this idea for a photographic project about people with disabilities and so I decided to participate.
We took a series of portraits of Kia trying to focus on her beauty and her personality, making overshadow his disability and then the wheelchair.

This project is called Lo sGuardo Oltre ~ Seeme.
(The look beyond).

Often when you see a person with a disability, we see only his handicap. This brings us to identify that person with his handicap.The intent of this project is to discover through these shots, the person beyond the disability, to perceive disability as one of the many characteristics of the person and not the person himself.

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Here’s the facebook fanpage of the project (work in progress for now):


(feel free to correct my english, I know it’s not perfect ;__;)


Nature Project #2 + Updates.

Hello everyone!
I’m really sorry I didn’t post anything about my projects, my bad.
The Nature Project is going on very slowly because of the summer period. In the meantime i had the opportunity to work with an amazing team for a fashion shooting in Piacenza (can you believe it? XD).
We shoot in a beautiful vintage store with ad amazing model and stylist.

~the location : Santantonino 34 Vintage ~

Here’s some of the pictures from the shooting ( for more check out my flickr: ) :





Tomorrow I will go to Ferrara for a very interesting project, I’ll keep you updated 😉


Nature Project Diary day #2

Il ‘Nature Project’ è ufficialmente iniziato!
Ecco la prima foto con protagonista Monia:

The Storm

TheStorm{clicca per ingrandire}


Una pioggia di petali e polline applicati veri su carta stampata.
Sono abbastanza soddisfatta del risultato, era come lo avevo immaginato precedentemente in fase di progettazione.
Poco tempo fa ho scattato delle altre foto con la seconda modella che si è offerta come cavia: Marika!
Presto pubblicherò qualche esperimento.

Abbiamo anche avuto un piccolo intruso sul set 😀

A presto con nuove news !


|| Spiritism Project ||


Lo spiritismo è una dottrina filosofica apparsa nel 1857 in Francia. Questa dottrina si basava sull’ipotesi che alcuni fenomeni potessero essere attribuiti solamente a intelligenze incorporee (spiriti). Le comunicazioni spiritiche avverrebbero “grazie all’intervento di un medium”, ossia una persona con particolari doti che fungerebbe da mediatore fra spiriti e viventi, durante la cosiddetta seduta spiritica.



